The Gift of Newfound Wisdom (Well, maybe just a little).

Dealing with a long-term illness can sometimes be a good thing, because it gives you time to think and pray, and truly commune with the Lord. In my case, it’s been an excellent thing!

I know things are hard and unsettling in the world these days, and life is about to get even harder. Adversity is affecting each of us in ways we never imagined.

A precious few can see the changes for what they are, while others continue to live in mass mind-controlled oblivion. Some are awake to the prophesied signs of the times while others still slumber and sleep. I’ve considered the past few years the final days of preparation gifted by God to a people He still loves, wanting those hearts to turn fully to Him and show their love by obedience to His commandments, as well as adhering to His promptings.

Despite all the blessings that have been granted us, many continue to purposely lose themselves in Babylon, bowing down to their gods, idols and graven images, completely ignoring God’s command to have no other gods before Him. Some may declare, “I love God, I love the Savior, and I don’t have any other gods. These lost souls can’t see that they, in fact, do follow after other gods, completely oblivious to the spell of deceit they have fallen under.

Heavenly Father awakened me some time ago from my slumber and I continue to discover so many truths I missed while asleep. I feel like my Savior, Yeshua (I like to use His Hebrew name) has had me playing catch-up and unearthing priceless treasures of truth that I could not see before. It is as if I lived in a fog for decades and can now clearly see sacred truths I’d only glimpsed before. Each and every day I have begged and pleaded to know my Savior through His words and His gospel. I’ve hungered and ached to truly know Him, and through my search for truth, I learned a doozy of a lesson.

I cannot know Him unless I am being completely obedient to Him and His commandments.

I cannot truly become His unless I am obedient to His words and laws.

Because HE is the Word, and HE is the law.

Disobedience is lawlessness, which is satanism. (Harsh, I know, but that is what the scriptures say).

How can I profess to love Him and ignore His commands?

How can I truly know of His love for me if I don’t obey His words, words that are given in love?

How can I live with one foot in the world and one foot out by ignoring His admonishments to flee Babylon, and then accept the many grievous sins existing and filling the world? ( aka Babylon)

How can I say I love Him yet give ear to those who profess to love Him, but they themselves perpetuate ancient abominations and lend their support to Satan’s causes?

How can I even obey His command to love my neighbor as myself then quietly watch and support that neighbor’s defilement of himself, which then places a barricade between himself and God?

How can I profess love for the Lord and then attach myself to the whole " be a good global citizen - one world religion" deception, both of which are things He despises?

The answer to these questions is I CAN’T!

So, now I spend most of my waking hours storing up oil for my lamp, and as His bride, making myself as ready as I can for the Bridegroom’s return. Personally, the worst thing I could ever hear would be Him speaking to me the words, “I never knew you.” How awful and gutting that would be I can’t even begin to imagine or describe.

My Lord and Savior is everything to me, and only by truly coming to know Him and becoming one with Him can I truly come to know and be one with my Father.

I will say again and again, nothing–absolutely nothing–will come between me and my Lord. I will place no other gods before Him–not things, nor money, people, opinions, or vanities. I will put my trust in no one but Him. I will put my hopes in no one but Him. I will look to no one but Him to be saved. Only He is my source for truth, because only He can save, redeem, and never be placed in a box, no matter how hard man tries to do just that. We don’t make the rules, HE does.

Deception is a trap that is so easy for Satan to use, and he ensnares victims daily. However, his flaxen cords can be broken, but only if we fully understand that we can’t break them alone. We can do nothing of worth alone. Only by calling on the One with the master key can the lock be opened and the chains broken, setting us free. And only by placing our lives completely in the Savior’s hands can we truly be free.

After all, truth is freedom, and He is all truth. He is the only source of complete truth.

Which is why I will follow Him and no one else. And no matter my trials, I am showered with His love because of that decision.

And I count it all joy!



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