Introducing a New Ebooklet

 My newest non-fiction ebooklet will be released on July 12th, and will be free by request. It won't be on Amazon because my testimony is not for sale😊😊

For the past few years, Heavenly Father has taken me on an incredible journey to Him, leading me to various destinations, and charting my course toward the narrow path I have only just begun to travel. For decades, I thought I was on that straight and narrow path, but recently, He helped me discover that my vision had been too impaired to properly navigate, and because of being conditioned to place Him in a box, I really couldn’t see past the high walls locked firmly in place. The adversary had imprisoned me in a gilded cage, my spirit an inmate within a cell made of reinforced bars that I could not see.

Still, the quest has always been there, my need to follow my Savior, Yeshua, burning from the inside out, and through my daily quest for truth, I’ve been given answers that finally obliterated those walls, the bars melted into small mounds of metal, awaiting the Master Blacksmith, to be forged into a warrior’s shield and sword. He truly has taught me that man’s ways are not His ways, and His plans are far more important than the ones we have for ourselves.

For He sees what I cannot.

He knows all.

I know nothing.

However, He knows me.

And slowly, I am growing to know Him.

Now, I can finally see my way ahead, decades of restraints broken, sacred truths understood the way Father and Son intended. And from this clearer vision came this poetic story. This was a labor of love, and within the pages of this small booklet are true experiences, as well as my hopes, dreams and speculations for the days ahead.

I invite you to join me on the journey!


A word to the reader . . .

Many may be offended by some of the thoughts and feelings shared in this short work, but they are words I felt prompted to write, while doing my best to stay true to myself and my Lord. His truth is what matters.


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